
MAX’s Monitoring System supports your regulatory requirements

We help you complete your essential regulatory requirements with the assistance of our dedicated team, and robust platforms built specifically to meet Tasmania’s regulatory protocols.

Venue User Guides

Our user guides provides the essential information you need about how to navigate our systems and tools.

IMAC Request Form

If you have an IMAC job request, please use this form

Forms and Resources

If you have request or require assistance from MAX please complete and submit the relevant form below:

Contact MAX

For monitoring enquiries, please contact the helpdesk on 1800 288 707 or email:

Bank Details

To keep your bank details up to date, please complete and submit the relevant form below:

EMS Fees

As per the Gaming Control (Monitoring Operator) Regulations 2023 (Tas) and Fee Units Act 1997 (Tas) the Tasmanian core and regulated monitoring fees effective from 1 July 2024 are as follows:

Daily FeesFee ($) (excl GST)Basis charged

Core Monitoring Fee

  • Functions include all EGM monitoring, reporting and Help Desk
$2.55per EGM, per day
Regulated Monitoring Fees  
Installation and commissioning of a gaming machine$189.11per EGM, per action
Removal and decommissioning of a gaming machine$120.82per EGM, per action
Configuration change to gaming machine or gaming machine game$131.33per EGM, per action
Operation, monitoring and configuration management of one linked jackpot arrangement in a venue$4.04per EGM, per day
Connection of one gaming machine to one linked jackpot arrangement in a venue$210.11per EGM, per action
Removal of one gaming machine from a linked jackpot arrangement in a venue$210.11per EGM, per action
Decommissioning of one linked jackpot arrangement in a venue$210.11per EGM, per action
Repair and return to service of one gaming machine and preventative maintenance of one gaming machine (based on one preventative maintenance takes per EGM per year)$1.88per EGM, per day
Relocation of one gaming machine in a venue (an internal gaming machine move)$173.34per EGM, action
Destruction of one gaming machine$157.58per EGM, action
New venue preparation or refurbishment (i.e. site survey, cabling, and supply and installation of venue-based EMS components such as telecommunication end points, venue EMS host and equipment rack etc)$420.22Hourly rate ($21,011.24 max)
Undertake a gaming machine retrofit or repair under warranty on behalf of manufacturer$157.58Hourly rate

MAX to provide monitoring services for Tasmania

In 2022 the Tasmanian Government announced MAX as the successful tenderer for a 20-year licence to monitor all electronic gaming machines (EGMs) in Tasmanian pubs and clubs.

As of 1 July 2023 pubs and clubs in Tasmania completed their transition to the MAX Monitoring System.


The monitoring services provided by

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Get in touch with our team of experts to understand more about our services and how we can support your business.